Week 13 Reading B: English Fairytales

This image depicts Molly Whuppie. Image Henny-Penny: An acorn falls from a tree and hits Henny Penny on the head. Henny Penny believes that the sky is falling and proceeds to journey the king and share her news. Along the way, Henny Penny acquires a group of characters who want to tell the king as well. Before they reach the king, they run into Foxy Loxy . Foxy Loxy offers to show a "short cut" to the king's palace and the group follows. Foxy Loxy eats the group and no one shares news with the king. Molly Whuppie: Molly Whuppie is a female trickster, an underdog who outsmarts her adversary, the giant. The story describes how she internalizes the sad abandonment by her parents and becomes resilient, willing to take on and complete the three quests set by the king. She seizes on he opportunity to secure a better place for herself and her sisters. It is this sense of having control over one’s actions,...