Time Strategies

I found this image off of google and thought it was a funny representation of time management. https://quotesgram.com/time-management-quotes-funny/ 

My tentative schedule for this course is going to be Monday I will do Reading A, Tuesday will be Reading B and story. Wednesday will be blog comments and Thursday will be Project and Project Feedback. 

The first article that I read and enjoyed was, Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination. I have a really bad habit of procrastinating and waiting until the last minute for everything. I liked this article because it showcased the negative affects of procrastination in order for you to realize how detrimental procrastination can be in anything. I also liked the idea of breaking everything up into smaller tasks to complete at one time, that could potentially help a lot. https://lifehacker.com/four-questions-to-help-you-overcome-procrastination-1784833178

The next article I found very useful was The Psychology of Checklists. I am already a schedule oriented person and enjoy sticking to a schedule. Sometimes life happens and what not but typically my daily routine is fairly similar. I have always wanted to start making more checklists or daily to do's but have not taken the time to actually follow through. I have bought an academic planner for this year and have currently been following pretty well. I feel as if checklists would be very beneficial to me due to my procrastination as well. https://blog.trello.com/the-psychology-of-checklists-why-setting-small-goals-motivates-us-to-accomplish-bigger-things?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=linkedin&utm_campaign=checklists

Overall I plan to take a lot of these tips and tricks into consideration because I have always struggled with time management. I have always been the person to cram everything in at the last minute and I know that is not healthy in many ways. I hope to learn better time management throughout the course of the semester.


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