Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I chose this image because I think the most important thing about growth is getting feedback and accepting it in order to change. Feedback Cats

 I feel as the comments that I have received have been pretty helpful. Reading and outsiders perspective on something is always beneficial because they may notice something you did not or just bring up some new points to think about. They have also just been a confidence booster to me because I am not super confident in my writing. 

I try to be helpful in my comments and offer new things to try out or incorporate into another writing. I do this because those are the comments that I typically like to receive, Usually I will ask a question or two in my comment to offer some critical thinking for them to ponder. 

I think my Introduction sums up me pretty well with all the things I like to do. I really don't have any intention of changing my introduction to or my comment wall unless something comes up. Moving forward I would just like to ensure that I am giving useful feedback to help others improve. 


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