Reading Notes B

This is an image of the Hodja that became the chief Soothsayer that I found off of the internet. Patience-Stone and Patience-Knife: A girl experiences a bird that says, "Oh poor maiden, your kismet is with a dead person." this occurred twice so the mother and maiden decided to never leave their house again. One day some young girls asked if the maiden could play with them one day and the mother was very reluctant but let her. While the girls were playing a magic wall appeared out of nowhere and spilt the girls up. The maiden saw a beautiful palace in front of her and went inside and saw many rooms full of precious stones. In the last room she saw a bey and her quest was to pray over him and fan him for 40 days and so she did. The bey wanted to repair the maiden but the maiden had switched places with and Arab girl. Soon later the bey asked the maiden what she wanted and she asked for a p...